Group Members

Dr. Ilia Kaminker
Principal Investigator

Dr. Kaminker Joined the School of Chemistry and established the High-Field DNP / EPR laboratory in 2018 after returning from a four-year postdoctoral training in the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Building Ornstein, room 421

Sudipta Khamrui
Postdoctoral fellow

Sudipta is developing the methodology for investigation of the electron spin dynamics in magic angle spinning (MAS) DNP experiments. For this, he develops the methodology for high-field, pulsed MAS-EPR experiments.
Building Ornstein, room 414

Orit Nir-Arad
PhD student

Orit works on developing new experimental approaches for EPR and DNP at 14 T. The main goal of her PhD project is to develop DNP methods for "difficult" nuclei, for which conventional NMR experiments are too time-consuming to be practical.
Orit is also responsible for teaching the EPR experiment in the advanced physical chemistry laboratory course.
Orit is a recipient of the very prestigious Ariane de Rothschild Women's Doctoral Program PhD fellowship
Building Ornstein, room 414

Amit Israelstam
MSc student

Amit works on developing model systems for DNP experiments at high temperatures, in order to allow the study of the DNP spin physics under experimentally more accessible conditions.
Amit is a recipient of the ADAMA Center for Novel Delivery Systems in Crop Protection MSc Scholarship.
Building Ornstein, room 414

Eyal Laster
MSc student

Eyal works on high-field EPR and DNP of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds.
Building Ornstein, room 414

Dr. Alexander Fialkov
Associate Researcher

Alex works on the mechanical design of hardware for low-temperature EPR and MAS-DNP experiments.
Building Ornstein, room 108

Dr. Nurit Manukovsky
Laboratory manager

Nurit works on the theoretical analysis of high-field DNP and EPR experiments.
Building Ornstein, room 414

David Shlomi
Laboratory Technician

David is a radiofrequency technician in our laboratory. He works on developing cryogenic multinuclear radiofrequency circuits for DNP probeheads.
Building Ornstein, room 414

Ayala Hecht
MSc student

Ayala is working on developing high-field / high-frequency instrumentation and methodology for electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) experiments.
Building Ornstein, room 414

Mais Daksi
Undergraduate student

Mais is working on the optimization of the high-field CW EPR measurements.
Building Ornstein, room 414
Fomer Group Members

Dr. Daphna Shimon
postdoctoral fellow.
Daphna has joined the lab after completing two postdoctoral fellowships in the United states. She brings extensive expertise in DNP and solid-state NMR. Daphna works on solid-state NMR of archaeological pottery samples and DNP of "difficult" nuclei.

Sapir Shaya
Laboratory technician
Sapir joined the High-Field DNP / EPR laboratory after completing her contract service in the IDF signal corps. She brings knowledge and experience in practical electronics and is responsible for testing and assembly of the various equipment in the laboratory.

Roman Kumarbaev
NMR technician
Roman is an electrical engineer working in the School of Chemistry. He is responsible for maintenance and upgrades of the NMR instruments.

Prof. Arnold Raitsimring
Visitin scientist
Arnold Raitsimring is Prof. Emeritus and former head of the pulsed EPR facility at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He is an expert on everything related to EPR. He works on the design of novel resonators for EPR and DNP experiments at 200 and 400 GHz.
Former Undergraduate Students

Yuval Tamir
Undergraduate student in the Material Science and Chemistry program
Yuval worked on developing high-frequency resonators for EPR and DNP experiments.

Timofey Omelchenko
Undergraduate research assistant
TImofey works of design and testing of photon band gap (PBG) resonators for 200 GHz DNP and EPR experiments

Matan Nahamiev
Undergraduate student, electrical engineering
Project: Development of radio frequency circuits for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization probe-head.
Matan together with Sharon did their graduate project in electrical engineering in the High-Field DNP / EPR laboratory.

Sharon Rabinoviz
Undergraduate student, electrical engineering
Project: Development of radio frequency circuits for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization probe-head.
Sharon together with Matan did their graduate project in electrical engineering in the High-Field DNP / EPR laboratory.

Tomer Amit
Third year undergraduate student in the Chemistry-Research Program for Outstanding Students.
Tomer is a 2019 Ratner Center Scholar working on the design and construction of the high-frequency transmitter and receiver units for DNP spectrometer.